Updated roadmap now completed

Published by admin on

Some highlights from the new roadmap:

AstroBank Release Schedule
ATGx Snapshot and distribution details
AstroBank V1 Swap Interface (PCS Router)
-Astro Bank V2 Release Staking/Farming Support for both ATG and ATGx
-Astro Bank V3
– Release Space Pools (Stake ATG to earn other tokens)
-Astro bank V4 (Launchpad, Raffle)
-Astro bank V5 (Multi-Chain Swap support and Bridging)

NFT Marketplace
-NFT Marketplace V1 Release BSC Support
-NFT Marketplace V2 Full release BSC support
-NFT Marketplace V3 Multi-Chain Support

CEX listings:
-New CEX listing (Targeting Lbank, Gateio or Kucoin)

Updated Roadmap
-Astro Wallet Development
– Astro Chain Introduction (Token Incubation and Dapp development on AstroChain)

For precise dates, stay up to date with our latest announcements, this should help understand what ATG is trying to accomplish in the near future. Primary focus will be ATGx/ATG Bank and NFT marketplace.

Categories: Blog